
Showing posts from October, 2022

What is digital marketing? Types of digital marketing ,Scope of digital marketing in the organization

    What is digital marketing? Digital marketing is the process of marketing products or services via digital channels such as digital media (online, email, social media), mobile, and in-person interactions. Digital marketing is also referred to as online marketing, Internet marketing, web marketing, e-marketing, or electronic marketing. It encompasses a wide range of tactics. Digital marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach and engage customers when they are interested in your product or service. When done right, it can drive huge returns on investment and improve customer loyalty. When done wrong, however, it can also have a negative impact on your business. Digital marketing is the use of technologies to deliver marketing messages to consumers. Digital marketing can be best through various channels such digital channels such as social media, search engines, mobile apps, and websites. Digital ads can take many forms including display ads, video ads, mobile ads,

Entrepreneur over 9-5 Jobs, Advantages vs Disadvantages, Conclusion

    Why is everyone choosing to be an entrepreneur over there 9-5 jobs? Who is an entrepreneur? Entrepreneurs are those who take action to start a business. They come in many forms. Some are tech-savvy, some are experts in specific fields, and others simply have a lot of drive and passion for their idea. Regardless of their backgrounds, all entrepreneurs have one thing in common: They see an opportunity for something that hasn’t been done before and are willing to take action to make it happen. They may start a business from scratch, purchase an existing one, or borrow money from banks to start. Entrepreneurs can be anyone from stay-at-home moms with a side hustle to high-powered executives with multiple businesses. The key to being an entrepreneur is to always think outside the box. There’s no limit to what you can do if you follow your passion and believe in yourself!  An entrepreneur is someone who is risk taker, who starts a venture (a business) with the goal of making money

What are the importance of social media? pros and cons, how to build carrier in socila media?

       What is the Importance of social media? A billion people around use social media. It is the platform of media that is used worldwide to make a connection and share information. On a personal level, social media is the safest platform to communicate and make connections. On social media, we can learn new things, develop our interests, and can be entertained. It is a wide platform for you so that you can reach many audiences. The main purpose of social media is to give information about the current news, gossip, fashion trend, and the latest gadgets that are launched in the market. The main, as well as a positive element of social media, is that you can remain connected with your loved ones. Nowadays distance is not a barrier anymore because of using social media. In addition, it provides a platform to showcase your talent for free. This platform is used by business organizations for sales and revenue.  Social media is become a part of life, especially for teenagers. Mos