What are the importance of social media? pros and cons, how to build carrier in socila media?




What is the Importance of social media?

A billion people around use social media. It is the platform of media that is used worldwide to make a connection and share information. On a personal level, social media is the safest platform to communicate and make connections. On social media, we can learn new things, develop our interests, and can be entertained. It is a wide platform for you so that you can reach many audiences. The main purpose of social media is to give information about the current news, gossip, fashion trend, and the latest gadgets that are launched in the market. The main, as well as a positive element of social media, is that you can remain connected with your loved ones. Nowadays distance is not a barrier anymore because of using social media. In addition, it provides a platform to showcase your talent for free. This platform is used by business organizations for sales and revenue.

 Social media is become a part of life, especially for teenagers. Mostly children and teenagers use social media to have fun, make and maintain a friendship, explore identities and develop a relationship with their families. Social Media allows people to interact in ways that we could never imagine, how we did till now without it. It has become quite easy to catch up on someone's life by doing a simple message on the computer or mobile phone, even email. Social media helps people to communicate not only one's personal life but also in their business life.

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As we know that we have two sides to the coin i..e pros and cons

Pros of social media:

Ø  Social media is a platform through which we can reach people all over the world, which can help business organizations to market their brand on a large platform

Ø  Through social media, we can connect with people easily and directly with the audience, there is no intermediary in between.

Ø  Social media is a platform where many people interact with people and can use excellent tools for education. Many people can get information through social platforms related to education.

Ø  On social media we can use our SEO (search engine optimization) tools, which help us to increase maximum traffic on your website.

Ø  Social media is a type of media network which can help you to get knowledge about the target market and competition between competitors.

Ø  Social media is a type of media on which you can join social networks for free

Cons of social media:

Ø  Spending more time on social media can be the biggest disadvantage, it can lead to social anxiety, depression, and exposure that is not age appropriate.

Ø  It is the type of platform that people get addicted to, it can create a bad impact on the life of the people, it seems to be a disadvantage of using social media.

Ø  Social media can result expensive in features for the organization because the social media account can be handled by an experienced person, which can lead to creating a negative impact on the profit of the organization

Ø  As we know that this platform is wide. There are no people who are using it, some of its posts are not appropriate for children, and this can create a wrong impact on the life as well as on the mind of the child.

Ø  It can create a negative impact on the image of the organization, when the dissatisfied customer post something negative about your brand or mobile app development company, this can go viral and it is usually difficult to control.

 also check: the cons of social media 

How to build a carrier through social media?

 Engagement with customers, media, and staff through social media has become a top priority for most companies. Organizations want to know how to use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and blogging to build their brand and gain market share. This increased focus often means hiring new, specialized talent to lead innovation on social media.

However, with social media only recently becoming a legitimate business tool, employers have to do may struggle to find new talent with established social media careers behind them. Some organizations remain open to considering candidates with a generalist marketing background who show the potential and enthusiasm to succeed in a specialized social media role.

Methods to build a carrier in social media:

Ø  Building your own social media accounts is an effective way to prove to a potential employer that you know your stuff.

Ø   Using social media, of course. LinkedIn, the “smart one” in the social platform family, is one of the best places to nail a new gig.

Ø  The marketing industry is always growing and changing—type “social media manager” into a job search engine and you’ll get lots of hits.

Ø   A post-secondary education in the arts is an asset, especially in something writing-related.

Ø  Certification in social media is important, social media certification is a lot cheaper than a college degree.

Ø   You need followers to make your social media efforts more impactful for your potential clients or employers. Often, social media managers will create to make this happen.


The effects of social media can result very complex and can vary from person to person. Based on our data we found that many people either experience adverse effects as well as positive effects. However, in the time we’ve had to conduct research we were not able to find direct and clear causation, but we are hoping with more time and further investigation so we can get clear.

Social media is a new as well as a complex term for people who don’t have the knowledge to use and the importance of social media. In many areas, people are not aware of the importance of social media. To use social media we should have proper knowledge related to it. Social media have some positive points and negative points, we have to analyze which is good for us and which is not.                                                               

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